Free your team & Increase Revenue

NoQu eliminates wasted time on hold to HMRC and many other organisations, enabling you to increase fees & revenue

The NoQu ROI calculator asks 7 questions to reveal potential gains from using NoQu.

Industry Examples - Accountants

Your staff no longer have to waste hours on hold to HMRC!

Accountancy firms have told us how irritating it is for their team to spend hours on hold to HMRC. It is a huge pain point and stops employees from being productive and earning fees.

NoQu removes the wait. Simply book a call back from our team and we will call you when the HMRC agent is on the line ready to talk to you!

Industry Examples - Independent Financial Advisors

Your Staff No Longer Have to Waste Hours on Hold to Financial Service Companies

Most advisers and support staff across the Financial Services industry find themselves on hold to product providers for long periods on a daily basis. These calls are necessary to perform essential
actions including chasing:·  

– Letters of Authority.
– Required plan information.
– New business applications.
– New business quotes.
– Change of agency enquiries.
– Making a claim

Waiting on hold has significant impact on productivity and wastes valuable time that advisers should be spending with clients. Furthermore, this wasted time is a cost to employers and advisers. NoQu offers a unique solution. Book a NoQu call back from the company you need to talk to then continue to work uninterrupted, knowing that NoQu will connect you when a customer service agent is on the line.

Operates 24/7

You can call and register a call back anytime day or night. If the company call center is closed we will simply call once it is open and connect you

We can customise the Service

If you have specific requirements of departments you need to contact we can customise the service to meet these requirements

Specialised Agents

Our agents are trained to handle the calls and connect to the right people so you get to speak to who you need to speak to

Secure Conversations

We use state of the art telecommunications infrastructure to ensure your conversations are private and secure

We have a team ready to serve you

Contact us to discuss your requirements and get pricing

Starter Packages

Our Packages

To provide a quote we need to understand your individual needs and calling patterns Please contact us  for more details and to discuss you individual needs

Pay As You Go
Occasional Use
More regular callers
Large companies

What Our Customers Say